The Jerome Dreyfuss bags are beautiful and very charming in Italy have not yet achieved the success they deserve, but in Paris it seems women can not live without their Jerome Dreyfuss bags! If you happen to go to Paris and to hear women talk about Carlos, Albert and Billy, do not expect men nearby, it is their beloved bags that they are talking about! Let's see the coolest new collection of bags for the ' fall winter 2012-13 .

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Luxury marketers upped the drama in their video strategies during the first half of this year by creating social films that likely helped them reach commerce, lifestyle and loyalty goals.

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In a way, it's good that almost nobody knows much about the War of 1812. Detroit played a significant role, and it was not the city's finest hour.


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This summer Cartoon Network invites kids across the UK to help build a giant alien (Bloxx) out of plastic bricks and break a Guinness World Record for the greatest number of participants.


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An Oakdale day-care operator is accused of locking three children without shoes or jackets in an outdoor shed last winter.


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The item was simply described on the handwritten menu as “Cod Fish Taco.”

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change in the usual date did nothing to keep the faithful way from the annual Jackson-Belden Food Fest & Fireworks and Balloon Classic Invitational.


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